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Clean Cooking for the Global South

Favilla is a non-profit organization focused on providing access to clean cookstoves in Sub-Saharan Africa

© Rascona/Indiestock

Smoke from cooking kills 400,000 people per year

2B people harm their health  while cooking

The adoption of clean cooking technologies can have a dramatic positive impact both on the environment and on the lives of billions of people, preventing children's sickness and death, mitigating household pollution, and reducing the gender gap in developing countries.


2.5B people lack access to clean cooking technologies

Smoke from cooking fires causes 3.2M  premature deaths per year 

Household emissions contribute up to 2.3% of global emissions

Women spend up to 10 hour a day collecting fuel

The most ethical carbon offsets

Clean Cooking Impact

Clean cooking programs are a unique opportunity to reduce global CO2 emissions while igniting a virtuous cycle out of poverty and death for many people living in Sub-Saharan Africa. No other emission reduction program has such a positive impact on both the environment and the life of millions of human beings.

© Clean Cooking Alliance

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Envirofit Technology

Liberia’s first clean cookstove program

Favilla is distributing energy-efficient stoves designed and manufactured by Envirofit, a leader in clean cooking technologies and sponsored by Carbonibus, a carbon developer. With energy-efficient cookstoves families require a fraction of the fuel, saving money every month, reducing their emissions, and protecting the heath of their children.

Get in touch with us

If you would like to learn more about Carbonibus and our programs, please register for our newsletter or contact us now.



+231 77 540 7777



Monrovia, Liberia

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